What i’ve been working on:

Below is a selection of shorts, sketches and music made between 2020 - 2022.

I directed and wrote each project with the aid of a skeleton crew of close collaborators.

Short Films

A number on his hand and no phone in his pocket. What happened last night?

Written and performed by George Airey. Shot, edited and graded by Ben Prideaux.

Trouble of the Heart: Mockumentary concerning a lonely vampire searching for happiness in a world that has left him behind.

Written and Directed by George Airey, shot by Ben Prideaux. 2021.

Trace of an Enemy: Neo-Noir comedy short on the introspective ramblings of a tortured soul looking for something.

Written and Directed by George Airey, shot by Ben Prideaux. Made during lockdown, 2020.

Men Without: Confession. Forbidden fantasies? Choral comings? Easter service... Stuff? Harrison and Phil talk it through.

Written and Directed by George Airey and Michael Blundell-Lithco, shot by J.J. King. 2022.

Comedy Sketches
